RMMI Patron Program
Since 1912 The Rocky Mountain Mining Institute has been promoting mining through education. The mission has evolved over the years to include a scholarship program, started in 1984, and public education funding that began in 2002. We are proud of the accomplishments the Institute has achieved. We believe that to keep the country strong and energy-efficient, we must educate our students and the general public.
The Patron Program began in 1984 for the purpose of giving scholarships to students pursuing a four-year degree at a college or university. They must be engineering or geology majors with the intent of entering the mining industry. Both individuals as well as corporations fund this program on a yearly basis with contributions from $100 to $2,000 or more. Matching company gifts are also important to this very valuable program. Since 2007 the Institute has also been awarding eight Technical Scholarships for those taking classes that will support the industry. RMMI awards over $40,000 from the Patron Program per year.
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2023 Patrons
Click here to view the 2024 Patrons